Oh em gee… I am kinda/totally freaking out right now over this Fashionlush Spotlight.
I first “discovered” miss Brandi Cyrus on the popular page of Instagram (I love how it actually shows me relevant users now!! Major props to you Instagram). I browsed her feed & was instantly dead over her killer style. You know how it goes- I shot her an email stat, graciously asked for her an interview, & now- here she is.
Stoked infinity.
You may have heard that last name before… hint hint: Miley & Billy Ray [ sidenote: Billy Ray Cyrus was my favorite musician when I was a kid & I still have all his tunes on my iPhone/listen to Achy Breaky Heart on the reg ].
But right now, I am putting my obsession with Billy Ray aside for my new fashion-crush on Brandi Cyrus. Wow, talk about a family of magical genes- right?!
Anyways, I had a blast picking Brandi’s brain & each of her answers to all my questions were so on point. She’s a true gem of a human & her blog is rocking my world right now.
Ch-ch-check it out & be sure to show her some love over at Style Native!
xx, E
▸▸ Hi girl, so excited to have you on the blog! Let’s start off w/ a lil’ intro. Who is Brandi Cyrus?
Brandi Cyrus: Well, my professional career consists of being a musician turned TV host and fashion blogger / stylist. I love animals! I have a dog named Feather that’s pretty much my child, and I ride horses both competitively and for pleasure. All of those things basically sum up my day-to-day life. Family and friends are also a very important part in the equation of who I am.
▸▸ Why did you start blogging? What’s your “blog story”. Tell us a bit about what we will find at your rad blog- Style Native.
BC: I’ve always been intentional about having a unique personal style, something that stands out a little and reflects my personality. I like wearing something different than anyone else, and i’ve always had people say things like “I love what you’re wearing but I could never wear that” or something to that extent, and of course I say “Yes you can! just be confident about it!”.
So, I’ve wanted an outlet to kind of showcase how I style myself and show how you can get the similar look and make it work for you. I also like encouraging girls to dress to reflect who they are. It’s hard to stand out these days, but what you wear really does tell the people you encounter who you are, and it’s an important part of self expression! I guess that’s Style Native in a nutshell.
▸▸ What motivates you?
BC: In life- what motivates me is to do things that I love & that make me feel alive. It’s important to me to have purpose in the things that I do and say, and to be kind to people in the journey of doing so.
I truly believe we are on the planet to just love other people, and there are SO many different ways to do that… everybody can love others in different ways that speak to different people.
▸▸ What projects are you currently working on?
BC: I’m currently very focused on Style Native and making it great. I’m always trying new things, and learning what my followers like and connect with. I have a couple of TV projects in the works that I can’t talk about, but hopefully soon will be able to reveal.
Although Fuse News was cancelled, i’m still doing freelance hosting and will be working some red carpet events with Spin Media through the end of the year.
▸▸ Anything you’ve learned on set (whether modeling/acting/television) that you can share?
BC: Professionally, the best advice I could give anyone is to go onto any set with the confidence that you know what you’re doing and are going to do a really great job– even if you have no clue what you’re doing.
If you believe in yourself, others will believe you. I can’t tell you how many times i’ve gone onto a set and thought to myself “what am I even doing here I really have no clue what i’m doing” but you just gotta rally and take risks, take direction, and do your best. Every time I have pleasantly surprised myself on my ability to deliver.
My other advice is to be kind to everyone on set. Treat people with love and respect… because they notice those things.
▸▸ What’s your favorite fashion/ style tip?
BC: My favorite style tip is to mix and match styles. Wear something feminine WITH something edgy. Wear something formal with casual shoes or vice versa. Its kind of my one rule when I dress myself. Never be just one thing.
▸▸ You are in such fab shape—any healthy tips for girls with a hectic lifestyle?
BC: Thank you!! Trust me, I work at it. I would say the key to staying in shape is movement. If you’re like me and you sit at a computer working for several hours a day, you need to counter that with exercise not only to stay in shape but to stay healthy.
I have several hour long workouts saved on my computer so I can do them anywhere – and it doesn’t hurt to have a hobby that demands some athleticism. I ride horses 6 days a week when i’m home, and it’s a full body workout but I don’t notice because I’m having fun.
▸▸ If we emptied your purse right now, what would we find?
BC: I’ve been carrying a very small bag lately, which is good because then I don’t carry unnecessary things. You would find my phone, keys, wallet, a coral lip balm, Elizabeth and James Nirvana black perfume roller, and Nars ‘Heat Wave’ lipstick just in case I need to refresh my look during the day.
▸▸ Best kept hair and/or beauty secret?
BC: Best kept hair secret is Its A 10 conditioner. I swear it made my hair so healthy and helped grow it out after I bleached it once and it all fell out!
Best beauty secret: use good skin care. It’s the one thing I splurge a little on. You really do get what you pay for, and your skin is something you don’t wanna be cheap about.
▸▸ All time fave shopping spots (online or otherwise)??
BC: I love Reformation on Melrose Ave in LA. If I could only wear one store’s clothes forever it would be that one. My other go-to’s are ASOS, NastyGal, and Revolve Clothing.
Also vintage t-shirts are a must have for me.
▸▸ First thing you notice in an outfit?
BC: SHOES. always. You can have on a white t-shirt and jeans, but if you have on great shoes (and a great bag doesn’t hurt) then you have on a great outfit.
▸▸ What do you skimp on fashion wise? What do you splurge on?
BC: I splurge on shoes, bags, and statement pieces like a great coat. I skimp on basics like t-shirts and jean shorts. there is no reason to pay $300 for a t-shirt no matter how good the material feels. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with a Hanes white v-neck :). ◁◁◁ my kinda girl!!!
▸▸ Fave beauty &/or fashion trend of 2014?
BC: I’m just loving how casual all of the trends have been this year. Messy topknots, half-up hair, baggy trousers, flats, slides and Birkenstocks… I’m a very laid back casual dresser anyway so all of these trends fit in perfectly with my lifestyle! I hope it’s here to stay.
▸▸ The one thing every lady should own, whether fashion or beauty wise?
BC: An eyebrow pencil or shadow — fill in your brows! it makes ALL the difference in the world. I’m big on good eyebrows.
▸▸ Your top 5 fashion pieces you are lushing over right now?
BC: I’ve been eyeing all of these new Fall trends that are starting to hit, I can’t wait to start wearing them! On that note, I’d say baggy trousers, turtlenecks, winter pastels, flat pointed toe boots, and monochromatic prints.
▸▸ Best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
BC: Forget the haters- there will ALWAYS be people trying to tear you down, and the best thing you can do is ignore them.
I loved this interview!
xo Lauryn
Lauryncakes | Beauty & Fashion
Thanks babe- she is so dope <3
I enjoyed reading your post on formal attire. I looking to learn all I can on what people like to wear in this area of fashion. I look forward to see more from your blog. There are so many areas to look into business suits, formal coats, formal shirts, formal skirts, formal trousers, formal blouses, formal evening gowns and so much more.
I just died on that 5th pic. I’m now searching for Brandi, She’s absolutely modish and gorgeous!
Isn’t she!! Such a doll <3