The Big Bad(ass) Blog-Doo Halloween Giveaway

fashionlush, blog-doo, halloween giveaway, the skinny confidential

It’s here, it’s here, it’s here!!!

NO, I am not talking about Halloween (although that’s pretty cool too!!!). I am talking about the seriously HUGE ass Blog-Doo giveaway.

If you’re new to Fashionlush, quick BD intro:: Blog-Doo is my & Lauryn Evarts’ (from The Skinny Confidential) blog design company. We design custom press kits, blogs, mood boards, logos, business cards, & so much more!! Feel free to check out our portfolio here.

We are the “website witch doctors” & Halloween is basically our Christmas.

Which is why we are celebrating big time. Pull out the champs & pop those bottles, cause this is 100% the giveaway of all giveaways. TRUST & read on…

fashionlush, blog-doo, halloween giveaway, the skinny confidential

Let’s start with the fun stuff first, here is what TWO lucky ladies will win:

+ Victoria’s Secret Fearless perfume aka my new go-to scent. It smells sooo yum & the pretty vampy bottle doesn’t hurt either.

+ A rad black rose flower crown made by yours truley. Customized with a lil’ Blog-Doo flair, naturally.

+ The Skinny Confidential book, written by Blog-Doo Co-owner, Lauryn Evarts! Each copy come with a personal note from Lauryn & a cutesie TSC bookmark.

+ Our all time fave miracle working lip plumper by City Lips (like fillers in a tube!).

+ The gorgeous Gorjana Taner gold bar necklace, the perfect addition to any neck party.

+ Each winner will get a ring by Brachelle jewelry (p.s. totally getting both of them for myself… #oops).

+ A peach reusable Baggu tote, cause plastic is so last year.

+ A pack of chic black & white Twistband hair ties… no pulling, no pain, & def. no creases.

+ Fiji Essie nail polish– Lauryn’s personal fave polish.

+ J.R. Watkins relaxing lavender bath soak.

+ Ouija Mints, cause that tin container is just so good.

+ Burts Bees facial wipes & chapstick.

+ Our secret tips thumb-drive loaded with tons of need-to-know blogging tips & tricks!

+ & tons of other cute Halloween knick knacks & goodies!!

I added it all up (had to, sorry) & each of these epic baskets are worth $500, so far!! Yea, there’s more…

One winner will also include $100 worth of Blog-Doo gift cards to use on any package or service, & the other big winner will get a free design package as well!!! I mean…. could it get any better than that? Seriously, I want to enter :(.

[ ** note: for the winner who gets the design package:: if you have a blog we will give your site a Bewitched make-over & if you don’t have a blog we will get you up & running w/ our Abracadabra package (note: you will be responsible for purchasing your hosting & domain, the rest is on us!) ** ]

See below for all the deets on entering to win all these goodies.

fashionlush, blog-doo, halloween giveaway, the skinny confidential

fashionlush, blog-doo, halloween giveaway, the skinny confidential

Entering is easy… like stupid easy::

» Re-gram the above photo of L & I w/ the sage.

» Tag @_Fashionlush_ & @TheSkinny Confidential

» Share with us why you want to win in the caption & hashtag #BlogDoo!

That’ssss it! Winners will be chosen Monday, November 10th.

Best of luck & Happiest of Halloweens. Be safe tonight my lushes.

xx, E

fashionlush, blog-doo, halloween giveaway, the skinny confidential

» pretty obsessed w/ how these custom black flower crowns turned out! Can’t wait to rock w/ a good ole’ ABO. «

fashionlush, blog-doo, halloween giveaway, the skinny confidential

» The Skinny Confidential book: all you’ll ever need to know about the art of balancing your life & staying in tip-top shape! «

fashionlush, blog-doo, halloween giveaway, the skinny confidential

» Little pretties. That yin yang ring though… «

fashionlush, blog-doo, halloween giveaway, the skinny confidential

» The Giveaway Goodies «

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14 Replies to “The Big Bad(ass) Blog-Doo Halloween Giveaway”

  1. I am so desperate to win this! I have just switched to self-hosted wordpress and while I love it, it takes sooo much time to figure out. And with being a full time working mom, trying to start a business and a blog, learning WordPress is definitely on the back burner.
    The Accidental Mama

  2. SOOOO so so excited for this giveaway! It looks awesome and I’m seriously hoping to win to get my blog off to a good start in its design! I love Blog-Doo, Fashion Lush, and The Skinny Confidential and so it would be great to kind of been “blessed” by the best as I get my blog off the ground!! Thanks so much for the opportunity girls and for all the awesome posts and support!

  3. I re-grammed the pic IMMEDIATELY after you babes posted it : ) I would absolutely DIE if I won this giveaway (the main prize) of a full on blog design because that. is. my. dream. I have been saving my pennies to get the Abracadabra or the Black Magic package because I am dead set on making blogging a full time career down the road. I looooove it.

    The main thing that holds me back is my OCD and perfectionist nature (I totally relate to you and Lauryn in that way). I have re-designed my blog a million times and have never been satisfied because I don’t have the know how to make it the way I want. Some help from you babes would MAKE MY LIFE. I seriously go to the Blog-Doo website almost daily (most def weekly) to see what new sites have been added to the portfolio. Not to mention I’m obsessed with Fashionlush and TSC.

    So with that, good luck to everyone who enters! You are all amazing, creative, awesome people and all deserve a shot at this giveaway. Oh, and that basket of goodies is insane. <3

  4. Gosh how I wish I had or could possibly get Instagram right now. This is most definitely the best giveaway ever an I’m going to miss it! Drats for me. but good luck to everyone who gets to enter.

    1. This one is an Instagram contest, but there will be more in the future so stay tuned :) xo

  5. This giveaway inspired me to start my new blog’s instagram. The problem is that I haven’t created the blog yet. I have google docs and a pinterest and all of the beginnings, but I have had a lot trouble getting set up. You ladies have been such an inspiration for me and I really feel like I am meant to start a blog right now. I would love your help! Your aesthetic, glam mixed with bohemian whimsy, is exactly what I am going for!! I have been going through a rough transition, which has included a bad breakup. I can’t wait to dive into my blog and start a new chapter of my life. You ladies are wonderful! xoxo Kim

    1. Aww Kim- I am so flattered by all of your kind words! Thank you for entering the contest & keep your head up love :)!! xx, E

  6. OMG OMG OMG, I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS CONTEST. I can’t even express how badly I want to win this contest. I have recently created a blog but I feel like there is seriously so much that I need to learn how to do in order for it to be successful. I am so stoked that I discovered Fashionlush and TSC a few months back, because not only have I learned a lot, but I have grown too! You both inspire women (myself included) on a daily basis to be themselves as well as pursuing all their dreams. I would just DIE from excitement if I won this contest. I’ve been lusting after many of these items, but I have ESPECIALLY been DYING for a service from Blog-Doo. Thank you again, Erica & Lauryn. Y’all are the best. xox

    1. Aww thanks for all of your kind words sweetie! So glad to have inspired you & thank you for entering :). Good luck love & hope to work with you in the future. xo, E

  7. I regrammed and tagged on the 31st. I would love to win, because it’s a cool prize.

  8. ~ Lil Miss Lauryn gives decor inspo & is my health guru, Erica Keeps me stylin, with DIY tips too, Come on ladies I’m trying – you gotta come through, I need a spell cast by the boss witches of Blog-Doo! ~

    I hope you guys like my poem (or hey, maybe it’s a rap!) :) But seriously I love both of your sites and you have done such amazing work on a variety of lifestyle sites and I would absolutely love to see what creative spin you could put on Music & Lifestyle site based here is Boston. { }. I would have applied to this giveaway THE MOMENT I saw it on both TSC & Fashionlush but my blog is currently on Tumblr…but I could transfer over to WordPress in hot minute if it meant I could have it designed by Blog Doo.

    Please help out an east coast girl get some cali sunshine on her blog! Thank you!!!

    1. Aww you’re so cute! Love the poem/rap! You’re blogs so cute :) good luck & thanks for entering babe. xx

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