Bell Sleeved

fashionlush, bell sleeve blouse, san diego fashion blogger

Lately I am having a major bell sleeve moment.

I love the flowy silhouette of a bell sleeve & the way they look when the wind blows justttt the right way, i.e. the above photo where I am totally channelling the flamenco dancing emoji (ya know the one, in the sexy red dress? LOL!).

It’s got all those seventies vibes that I’ve been loving lately, especially when paired with a chic little paisley print turband. I dressed the blouse down with some casual cutoffs this time around, but I am totally envisioning a double bell look with some wide leg flared jeans as well.

Shop all my fave bells sleeved beautes below. I honestly have all of those pieces in various shopping carts, but I just don’t think they will arrive in time before I leave… total bummer. Hopefully they won’t be sold out when I get home.

ALSO… sidebar, I have just updated my “new in” page, so you guys can shop all my latest purchases! Check it out, I just went on a major shopping spree for the trip…

x, E

fashionlush, bell sleeve blouse, san diego fashion bloggerfashionlush, bell sleeve blouse, san diego fashion bloggerfashionlush, bell sleeve blouse, san diego fashion blogger

wearing: black bell sleeve blouse (sold out, similar style here) | cutoff light denim shorts (sold out, similar here & here— both on sale!) | black concho belt | paisley turband c/o I’m With the Band | Saint Laurent aviators (budget version here)

Lush List | Bell Sleeves

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