Late in the Game | Alexander Wang x HM

fashionlush, Alexander Wang x HM, black and white ootd

If you recall from this blog post, I was seriously excited about the launch of the Alexander Wang x H&M collection.

The day it was available online I asked made Zack wake up w/ me at 7am to start shopping online. Just imagine the two of us, half asleep (crusty eyes & all) w/ our laptops in bed, referring to a written out list of everything I wanted (prepared ahead of time, naturally), hitting the reload button 900x while the site crashed every 3 seconds.

Each time we successfully got something in our cart, we would high five w/ joy. You would have thought we had hit the lotto. It was lunacy, especially pre-coffee, but totally worth it. Everything that came in the mail, in a box the size of my house- not kidding, was perfection.

Especially this white mesh tunic top though, my absolute favorite from the entire collection. This particular day, last week, was probably the last grey day of the season so I decided it was as good a time as any to pull this bad boy out (finally!).

Sadly, because I waited so damn long, the top is sold out… but I did finnd some UBER similar/just as epic versions here & here.

Anyone else score from the collab? If so, what was your fave piece? 

x, E

fashionlush, Alexander Wang x HM, black and white ootdfashionlush, Alexander Wang x HM, black and white ootdfashionlush, Alexander Wang x HM, black and white ootdfashionlush, Alexander Wang x HM, black and white ootd fashionlush, Alexander Wang x HM, black and white ootdfashionlush, Alexander Wang x HM, black and white ootd

wearing: Alexander Wang x HM mesh tunic (sold out- similar styles here & here | black leather moto jacket (sold out- similar) | ASOS Ridley black skinny jeans | Nasty Gal pointed ankle boots | Saint Laurent aviators (budget version found here)


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