For the Homestead | DIY Scent Diffuser

fashionlush, minimalistic decor, diy scent diffuser

Taxes may be done (praise x 1000), but the stress levels are still through the roof.

If anyone of you out there thinks blogging is easy breezy peasy… LOL! Give it a try, I’d love to hear your thoughts after a month. It’s hard work guys!!! There is the constant emails, managing partnerships, shooting 5 looks in one day, chasing sunlight to get in a DIY project or 3, trying to find time to eat, the list could go on & on & on. Majority of people get off work at 5pm & after that it’s chill time, me… work doesn’t stop, ever.

Don’t get me wrong, I love it & am so #blessed that this gets to be my job, but don’t think for one second that I am just sitting here sipping on a cool mint mojito in the sun living a totally stress-free life (we touched on this facade in yesterday’s post).

This is where essential oils come into play. Oils are my saving grace & I wanted to share my favorite way to use them: this uhhhmazing DIY scent diffuser. I have an ultrasonic essential oil diffuser, which I also use & love, but I really do feel this 5 minute do it yourself version actually works wayyyyy better.

I keep this bad boy right by my desk, where the magic/stress happens, & it is literally like xanax is wafting through the air. It’s my little zen secret, and so easy to make yourself.

Do you guys use oils? If so, LMK your faves so I can add to my growing collection!

x, E

fashionlush, minimalistic decor, diy scent diffuserfashionlush, minimalistic decor, diy scent diffuserfashionlush, minimalistic decor, diy scent diffuser



» Small container, I used a glass beaker as I think beakers are très chic, but Michael’s has little glass jars that work perfect– near the flower section! You can also find them on Amazon here.

» Essential oil of your choice, I love an anti-stress blend, but you can find all of my favorites at the end of this post (including this sexy romance one I use regularly **wink wink**). Use 20-30 drops of oil.

» Bamboo skewers

» 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol

» 3/4 cup of water

» Optional: decorative tape for sprucing up your skewers!


1. mix together your water, essential oil, & alcohol.

2. pour into your container.

3. cut your tape & fold in half over the top of the skewer, cut a v shape out of the tape & voila!! Time to start soaking in that yummmy scent & harnessing your chi.

fashionlush, minimalistic decor, diy scent diffuserfashionlush, minimalistic decor, diy scent diffuser

My Essential Oil Arsenal

4 Replies to “For the Homestead | DIY Scent Diffuser”

  1. Love it! This is exactly what I want to do, and I have an old bud vase that I’m going to use.
    How much essential oil do you use with the 1/4 cup alcohol and the 3/4 cup water?

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